2 Brothers© Premium Gin Citrus

Crafted by Belgian brothers with a passion for distinct flavors, 2 Brothers® Premium Gin Citrus embarks on a taste odyssey. This meticulously crafted gin begins with a fine distillation of juniper berries, the heart of any gin. But the true magic unfolds as a symphony of carefully selected botanicals joins the dance with lemon balm in the leading role.

* Angelica root and ginger whisper of a smooth, lingering finish, while lemon balm bursts forth with a zesty citrus melody.

*This vibrant citrus choir is then perfectly harmonized by the bittersweet notes of gentian and the piquant intrigue of coriander.

2 Brothers® Premium Gin Citrus is an invitation to an unforgettable taste adventure in a fantastic Gin & Tonic or any other citrusy cocktail. Our citrus edition brings summer into your home, even on rainy days.

Carefully-selected botanicals

Signature botanical: lemon balm

Juniper berries

Angelica root


